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1. Terms and definitions:

- a social network hosted on the Internet at https://www.follnet.com/.
Administrator - "Follbee LLC", a company registered in the State of Wyoming (USA), which operates the social network.
User - a person registered on the Internet at https://www.follnet.com/ in accordance with the terms set forth in this Agreement.
Page - a page created for businesses, public figures, brands and organizations to communicate with their subscribers through a social network. Profile is necessary to create a page. 
Profile - A personal profile page that each user creates with his or her own information, including name and email address.
Subscribers - users who want to see the content you post on the platform in their personal feed.
Handling - The name by which users can search the platforms to find your company profile or page.
Hashtag ( # ) - a searchable tag used to categorize posts with similar content and make it easier for users to find the content they want.
Like - an interaction where the user can click a button to show their support, agreement, or approval of the post. 
Personal / private message - a message that the user sends directly to you. Only you and the people who manage your business profile can see it and respond to it.
Share - When a user likes content, they can repost it to their profile using the Share feature. 
History- A snippet of content available to users for 24 hours immediately after publication, after which it will be deleted.
Marked/Mentioned - When you create a post that mentions an individual page, user or group, you can mark them in it and they will receive a notification. 
Confirmed - A page or profile that has been verified by the social media platform as belonging to a public person, brand, or organization and is marked with a blue check mark next to their identifier.
Views / Reach / Views / Engagement, etc. etc., also known as Analytics.- Various statistics that detail how often users saw your content, how they saw it and whether they interacted with the content by adding likes, comments or clicking on it.
Location Tagging - A special kind of tag that can be used to identify a location that is described or otherwise associated with a piece of social media content. 
Agreement - This User Agreement for use of the Social Network.

2. General Provisions.
2.1. This Agreement is a legally binding agreement between the User and the Administrator, the subject of which is the provision by the Administrator to the User of access to use the Social Network.
2.2. The age of User must be at least 18 years old in order to use this site.
2.3. The Administrator provides the User access to the Social Network on the terms and conditions set out in the Agreement. The Agreement comes into force from the moment the User agrees to its terms, which is expressed by starting to work with the Social Network.
2.4. The User is obliged to read this Agreement in its entirety prior to registration. Registration in the Social Network according to the established procedure, as well as the use of the Social Network means full and unconditional acceptance of the terms of this Agreement by the User. If you do not accept them in full, your access to this site will be considered unauthorized and you will have to stop using it immediately.
2.5. The Administrator offers Users access to the full range of services, which, according to the available functionality, are available in the Social Network (paid and free). The terms of this Agreement shall apply both to services that are functioning at the moment of the User's accession to this Agreement, and to services that will be launched later.
2.6. The User shall not use the Social Network for committing acts for which civil, administrative or criminal liability is provided under the applicable laws of the USA and/or the country of registration of the User, for disclosure of information constituting state secrets, commercial secrets or other information of limited access, for distribution of materials containing public calls to terrorist activity or public justification of terrorism, other extremist materials.
2.7. Administrator does not claim any intellectual property rights on the materials you provide to follbee. Your profile and uploaded materials remain yours. You may delete your profile at any time by deleting your account. This will also delete any texts and images you have saved in the system.
2.8. Processing of personal data of the User is carried out in accordance with the Privacy Policy of this platform.

3. Responsibilities of the parties:
3.1. Rights and obligations of the Administrator:
3.1.1. Administrator is not responsible for possible illegal actions of the User or third parties.
3.1.2. Administrator reserves the right to change or discontinue the service for any reason, without notice at any time.
3.1.3. Administrator reserves the right to change these Terms of Use at any time. If the changes constitute a material change to the Terms of Use, we will notify you by web mail in accordance with the preferences set forth in your account. What constitutes a "material change" will be determined in our sole discretion, in good faith and using common sense and reasonable judgment.
3.1.4. The Administrator reserves the right to refuse service to any person for any reason at any time.
3.1.5. Administrator may, but is not obligated to, remove Content and accounts containing Content that, in its sole discretion, is illegal, offensive, threatening, defamatory, defamatory, obscene or otherwise unacceptable or violates the intellectual property of any party or these Terms of Use.
3.1.6. Administrator is not responsible for User's statements published in the Social Network. 
3.1.7. Administrator is not responsible for the User's behavior when using the Social Network.
3.2. The User shall be liable
- for any activity that occurs under the User's screen name.
- for the safety of their account.
- for insulting, harassing, threatening and/or intimidating other users of juicy.biz network.
- for your conduct and any data, text, information, screen names, graphics, photographs, profiles, audio and video clips, links ("Content") that you submit, post and display on the juicy.biz service.
- for modifying, adapting or breaking into juicy.biz or altering another website in such a way as to create the false impression that it is associated with juicy.biz.
- for creating or sending unsolicited email to follbee members ("Spam").
- for transmitting worms, viruses or any code of a destructive nature.
- for violating any laws in your jurisdiction (including, without limitation, copyright laws). 
Violation of any of these agreements will result in termination of the follbee User account. 

4. User Registration
4.1. Use of the Social Network under this Agreement is subject to registration. It is possible to register with the simultaneous reception of an account in the Social Network, as well as to register by using User's accounts in other social networks.
4.2. In order to register with the Social Network and receive an account, the User has to fill in the proposed registration form, indicating true and complete information about him/herself on the questions provided. If the information provided by the User is untrue, the Administrator shall be entitled to refuse the User's access to the Social Network without notification.
4.3. In order to register in the Social Network using accounts in other social networks, it is necessary to provide information about the relevant account.
4.4. All actions performed under the User's account are considered to be performed by the User. In this case the User shall independently ensure the safety and confidentiality of the account information (the fact of its availability, login, password). The User is solely responsible for all actions made in relation to / with the use of the account in the Social Network.

5. Use of Materials posted on the Social Network by other Users and/or the Administrator and posting of Materials by the User
5.1. The exclusive rights to the content of the Social Network and Materials belong to the Administrator, the Users and other copyright holders.
5.2. All Materials of the Social Network are presented to the User solely for familiarization. Except for the cases stipulated by the effective legislation, the Materials may not be reproduced (copied), distributed, reworked, published, sold or used in any other way in whole or in part without the consent of the right holder.
5.3. The rules for citing Social Network Materials shall be established by the applicable laws of the United States and/or the country of registration of the User.
5.4. The Social Network and the Materials posted contain or may contain links to websites on the Internet (third-party websites), as well as articles, photographs, illustrations, graphic images, music, sounds, video, information, applications, programs, and other materials belonging to or originating from third parties that are the result of intellectual activity and are protected in accordance with the laws of the USA and/or the User's country of registration.
The mentioned third parties and materials posted by them are not checked by the Administrator for compliance with any requirements (reliability, completeness, good faith, etc.). Administrator is not responsible for any information posted on the websites of third parties to which the User gains access through the Social Network or through the materials of third parties, including, without limitation, any opinions or statements expressed on the websites of third parties or in their materials.
5.5. The links or guides on downloading files and/or installing third-party programs posted in the Social Network do not imply the Administrator's support or approval of these actions. The link to any site, product, service, any information of commercial or non-commercial nature posted in the Social Network shall not be the approval or recommendation of these products (services) by the Administrator.
5.6. The Administrator shall provide technical possibility for Users to use the Social Network. The Administrator shall not participate in the formation of the content of personal pages of Users, groups organized by Users, and shall not control and bear no responsibility for the actions or omissions of any persons in relation to the use of the Social Network or the formation and use of the content of personal pages of Users, groups organized by Users in the Social Network.

6. Posting of Materials by the User
6.1. The User shall confirm that the Materials posted by it in the Social Network correspond to the requirements of the current law of the USA and/or the country of the User's registration.
6.2. The User confirms that the posting of the Materials and the content of the Materials do not violate rights and legitimate interests of third parties, including intellectual rights of third parties.
The User understands and agrees that the technological process of the Social Network may require the reproduction and processing of Materials posted by the User to meet the technical requirements of the Social Network services.
6.4. For the entire period of posting of Materials the User shall provide the Administrator with the right to use, on the basis of a simple license and free of charge, the Materials posted by the User in the Social Network for the purpose of the Administrator's provision of functioning of the Social Network. The Administrator shall be entitled to grant the rights specified in this paragraph to third parties engaged by the Administrator for the operation of the Social Network.
6.5. The User understands and agrees that if there is a reasonable doubt as to the legality and legitimacy of the posting of the Materials, the Materials may be removed without notice to the User.
6.6. The User shall be solely liable to third parties for its actions connected with the use of the Social Network, including posting of Materials and familiarization with Materials, including, without limitation, if such actions lead to violation of rights of third parties, as well as for observance of the laws of the USA and/or the country of registration of the User.
6.7. The User has no right to post Material that is unlawful, including harmful, defamatory, offensive to morality, contains profanity, displays or advocates violence and cruelty, violates intellectual property rights, promotes hatred and/or discrimination against people on racial, ethnic, gender, religious or social grounds, contains insults against any persons or organizations, contains elements or advocates pornography.

7.  PRO Packages
7.3 The Administrator has the right to block the User's access to the Network and/or account and/or Services (including paid services) if the User violates the terms of this Agreement or if the Administrator considers the User's actions as fraudulent or aimed at damaging the Service, damaging the reputation of the Service or brand, organizing a DDoS-attack, etc. In this case, the money paid by the User for the Services will not be refunded and the User's account will be blocked.

8. Other provisions
8.1. This Agreement shall be effective from the date of acceptance of its terms by the User and is valid for 1 (one) calendar year.
8.2. This Agreement shall be automatically extended for each subsequent calendar year, if before the expiry of the specified period of the Agreement:
8.2.1. the Administrator does not decide to change the provisions of this Agreement, to enter into a new agreement with the User, to terminate full or partial service of the Social Network and discontinue access to it, to terminate this Agreement with respect to the User, or to discontinue access to the Social Network with respect to the User;
8.2.2. the User fails to make a decision on termination of use of the Social Network
8.3. the Administrator may unilaterally and extrajudicially terminate this Agreement at any time without notice to the User and without giving a reason, with immediate termination of access and use of the Social Network, and without refunding any costs, losses or refunds of the amounts received under the Agreement.
8.4. The User shall use the Social Network as it is provided. Administrator does not guarantee the continuity, reliability and error-free operation of the Social Network, and shall not be liable for possible consequences of the use of the Social Network for the User.
8.5. In all other cases, which are not regulated by the Agreement, the Parties shall be governed by international law.
8.6. If the User has reasons to believe that its intellectual rights or intellectual rights of third parties are violated, the User shall fill in the Questionnaire form and send it to the Administrator. Consideration of the received applications is carried out within two (2) weeks from the date of receipt.
8.7. By sending the completed Application Form, the Author of the Application confirms that he/she agrees to the consideration of the Application Form and submitted documents, including the possible involvement of third parties (experts, specialists and others), necessary to review the documents and make decisions based on the results of the review.
8.8. This Agreement and the relationship between the Administrator and the User in connection with this Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the USA and/or the country of registration of the User.
8.9. This Agreement may be amended by the Administrator without any prior notice. Any changes in the Agreement made by the Administrator unilaterally come into force from the moment of publishing of such changes in the Social Network. The User shall independently check the Agreement for changes. The failure of the User to familiarize themselves with the Agreement and/or the amended version of the Agreement may not serve as the grounds for the User's failure to perform its obligations and failure to comply with the restrictions set out in the Agreement. The current version of the Agreement is available on the Internet at https://www.follnet.com/static/terms.
8.10. Invalidity of one or more provisions of this Agreement, acknowledged in the prescribed manner by a court decision, does not entail for the User and the Administrator invalidity of the Agreement as a whole.
8.11. The Administrator is entitled to unilaterally change the party that performs the functions of the Administrator. At that, the Administrator shall notify the User of the change by posting the current version of the Agreement with the information about the new Administrator in the Social Network.
8.12. All disputes, disagreements or claims arising out of or in connection with this Agreement, including those regarding its performance, breach, termination or invalidity shall be governed by the applicable law of the USA or the jurisdiction of the User.
8.13. This Agreement is in the English language. All Annexes to the Agreement are integral parts thereof. In the event of a conflict between the provisions of the Agreement and the provisions of the Schedule to the Agreement, the provisions of the Agreement shall prevail in interpretation.
8.14. Violation of this Agreement and applicable laws of the USA and/or User's country of registration shall result in civil, administrative and criminal liability.


Last updated on: November 12, 2023